Strange Alabama

Quaint, Curious, And Forgotten Lore

A free Strange Alabama photo group is now on Flickr. Please post your photos of Alabama quaint, curious, and forgotten places there!

Also, I am finally in the process of revamping Strange Alabama's web site and this blog. Watch for new posts soon!


PS If you have time on your hands, a creative side, and a love of Alabama strangeness, drop me a line and let me know how you would like to assist with the web site, blog, Yahoo and/or Flickr group. Additional sites and suggestions always welcome!


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About this blog

Strange Alabama
is a web site and pending virtual magazine dedicated to the state's quaint, curious, and forgotten lore. Herein you'll find:

* Strange science (unusual facts about Alabama's natural environment)
* Alabama folklore and "tall tales"
* Curious facts about Alabama history
* Cool & unusual places to visit
* Ghost stories
* Alabama-related literature and strange fiction
* Networking with other lovers of the strange
* And more!